Thanks from Sister Grenon

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I received recent emails from Sister Grenon. She is on her way to visit Jonathan and want to thank you for your prayers and financial support to make this visit possible. Below is the correspondence that she shared along with my response.

Barbara GrenonSat, Oct 12, 9:25 PM (4 days ago)
to me

Hello Dick    Jon asked me to write to tell you he may not be writing much for awhile because there is only 1 computer working at his prison.   with lots of people    Please continue to pray for my boys   I keep praying and asking God to show then some love and compassion as they have for people. and let them come back to their family     we miss them so much and needed them here for the hurricane  we did alot and Jon’s wife went overboard.   She is a strong person.  Pray for her.    Thank you for all your prayers   and God bless.  Barbara 

Dick Green <>Oct 13, 2024, 2:43 AM (3 days ago)
to Barbara

Thanks for letting me know.  Jon’s letters always inspire me and all who read them we are praying daily for him, Jordan, for you, for Bishop, and for your entire family.  We believe and know that you and your sons will be reunited and we hope sooner rather than later.  

Only if it’s OK with you,… I’d like to share this letter from you with the group directly or, paraphrased.  There’s a large number of saints praying for you and your family.  

Also, I know you don’t want to talk much but, i want you to keep in mind that you have a open invite to share your heart anytime during the prayer group or, at a specially timed zoom.  Should you choose the daily prayer group time at noon, there’s only a few who meet daily. But, either way, I email the meetings out to hundreds who love your family and their spirits would be ignited by your testimony.  I’m glad that The Lord protected you during the storm.  I know the he will continue to show you his favor.

Barbara GrenonOct 13, 2024, 7:51 PM (3 days ago)
to me

Dick  yes you can share the with people and also ask people to pray for my trip to see Jon.   I also want to tell you  I am getting my travel plans this week  I  am going to see Jon in Mississippi   I have 479 in my Paypal from the very generous people that are helping me financially     I will be able to see him 2 days   I am very excited    When we went to see Jordan the devil fought us so much   flat tire in the middle of the nigt, but God supplied all things for us to visit him for 2 days. It was such a blessing    Now I get to go see Jon    After those 2 days I will drive from MI   to see my 3 grandchildren from Colombia that I dont really know.   I have only met Isaac when he was 1 month old and he will soon be 10 years.  I will be visiting them, Joe and Isabel    and another one of my sons lives there with his wife.  so I will see 3 of my 5 sons in 5 days    thank you for all your prayers and finances.   God bless   Barbara 

2 Responses

  1. Andrea

    I am blown away by the faith of your family!

    After all the trials and obstacles you have moved through, it’s a wonder you continue with such strength and warmth. You have taught us how faith can move mountains.
    We are in awe of your family and are grateful that you share your heart with us.

    I know I am not speaking just for myself, but from people around the world, you have cured through the miraculous, powerful potion your family has supplied.
    Continued blessings to you all.

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