In a world where the pursuit of justice and the defense of fundamental rights are more critical than ever, we invite you to join us in supporting the Grenon family, who have been facing an unprecedented ordeal. Bishop Grenon and his sons have been wrongfully imprisoned for almost 4 years. Their unwavering commitment to upholding the God-given rights of all individuals has brought them face to face with a system riddled with injustices.

Even though Bishop Mark and Joseph have been moved to a half-way house, we still need your continued prayers and support. Bishop Grenon is in need of a big screen computer and also some vital dental work. Please consider praying and joining in with this great work.

Consider joining our Daily Prayer Group 12:00 Noon time Central on the zoom platform. Often Bishop Grenon joins with us on Sundays and Tuesdays. Here is the link:

### The Fight for Justice

The Grenon family’s battle is a testament to their unwavering dedication to the principles of justice and human rights. They stand resolute in their demand for the most basic of rights: the opportunity to face those who claim to be harmed by their actions. To date, no such claimants have come forward, yet their right to a speedy trial and fair treatment under the law remains elusive.

### The Financial Struggle

Throughout this trying journey, the Grenon family has been forced to endure not only the emotional toll but also severe financial hardship. The prolonged absence of the primary income earners has placed an overwhelming burden on their family’s finances.

### Your Support Matters

We firmly believe that justice should prevail, and the Grenon family should not bear the weight of this injustice alone. Your support can make a meaningful difference in their lives. By contributing to their cause, you help alleviate their financial burdens, allowing them to focus on their fight for justice.

### Take Action

1. **Donate**: Your financial contribution, no matter the size, can help ease the Grenon family’s financial strain. Every dollar counts towards supporting their cause and helping them get back on their feet.

2. **Spread the Word**: Share this article and the Grenon family’s story with your friends, family, and social networks. Raising awareness is a crucial step in seeking justice.

3. **Advocate for Justice**: Join us in calling for an end to this injustice. Demand a fair trial and a prompt resolution to this case.

PRAY WITH US! We meet for daily prayer at 12:00 Noon Central Time. We pray for each other, we can pray for you, we pray for the Grenon Family, we glorify God and lift up Jesus Christ.

I’ve enable the global access to zoom. CLICK HERE to obtain phone or, computer access to our humble prayer meeting. I know that the Lord will bless.

### Together, We Can Make a Difference

The Grenon family’s struggle is a stark reminder that the fight for justice is ongoing. Let us stand together, as a community committed to fairness and human rights, and support those who bravely stand for the God-given rights of all mankind. Your generosity and advocacy can help rectify this injustice and bring the Grenon family one step closer to the justice they deserve.

**Donate Now** and be part of the solution. Together, we can make a profound impact and help the Grenon family regain their rightful place in society.

Please consider contributing to their cause by ordering Mark’s books  found here:

(search for volumes 1-3, “Imagine, A World Without DIS-EASE by Mark S. Grenon) share the link with friends and family. It can save their lives!

Mark’s 2016 Documentary by Genesis II Church:

* Please Pray about donating.  Here is the GIVESENDGO campaign site.

* If you are international donors or, experiencing problems with the Givesendgo website, use the following link:

DONATE TO Bishop Grenon directly with CASH APP. It is the same as his phone number 1-941-264-8066. Call him first to coordinate. Or, you can use ZELLE to donate to him directly.


  • Monies to enable Jonathan’s family to visit. Jonathan hasn’t hugged his newborn son.
  • Ongoing needs – $600 Weekly + Monthly $500 for family needs and housing expense
  • Large screen computer for Bishop Grenon’s research and writing.
  • A Car for Joseph to go to work. NEED MET
  • $4200 remains of $5000 in court cost needed for Bishop Mark

Matthew 25:

34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.