April 20, 2024
Here’s the zoom link to join in with us: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81674189359
Also, please pray and consider becoming a Core Supporter in one of the monthly donor groups.
We urgently call upon you to consider taking action RIGHT AWAY in the following ways to provide financial support:
- Commitment of $500 per month: We need at least three dedicated members who can pledge this amount monthly to ensure the ongoing stability and well-being of the Grenon family.
- Commitment of $250 per month: Seven members pledging this amount monthly will significantly contribute to meeting the financial needs of the Grenon family and providing for their essential expenses.
- Commitment of $100 per month: Ten members pledging this amount monthly will make a substantial impact in supporting the Grenon family and helping them navigate this challenging time.
- Commitment of $50 per month: Another ten members pledging this amount monthly will further strengthen our ability to provide consistent financial support to the Grenon family and ensure their needs are met.
- Joining the Core Grenon Family Financial Support Groups: We invite you to join one of these groups, which will provide essential consistency in supporting the Grenon family. Your commitment will be invaluable in ensuring their well-being and security.