You can order the bible from Amazon. Mark is requesting Large Print King James Version and exampled above. All bibles must be shipped directly from a Bookstore. So far, Amazon is the best option. Only ship one shipment of bibles per week.
Here is the latest email about the Bible Ministry from Bishop Jonathan along with his correct mailing address:
Amen, and thank you. Spanish probably would be more in demand. Large print… Reina Valera
Thank you for letting me know abotu dad, it helps me also.
Yep and they are falling, the evil ones
God bless
We are coning together as the Bride of Christ is being prepared for the Bride Groom…
Remember if tracts are sent, I think only max 25 at a time. As for books, Maybe a few per order. I will be letting you know as they come in. God bless you all.
Tell everyone all the Bibles they donated before in FDC Miami. Were given away to inmates. So it touched people. And left a few behind in the Chapel.
God bless you
Reina Valera is a Spanish translation of the Bible, specifically a translation of the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible. It is named after its two translators, Casiodoro de Reina and Cipriano de Valera.
The first translation, known as the “Biblia del Oso” (Bear Bible), was published in 1569 by Casiodoro de Reina. Cipriano de Valera revised this translation in 1602, adding the deuterocanonical books to a separate section called the Apocrypha.
Jonathan Grenon #73681-018
Yazoo City/Low II FCI
PO Box 5000
Yazoo City, MS
All mail has to be from Amazon or a book publishing company.
Thanks and God bless you all