In the past, some supporters overseas or Canadian based have encountered difficulty ordering book. Mark gave me a direct number to the printer. I called and talked with MaryEllen at the Printer’s office today. She gave me the direct contact information for those who want to order. She told me that some have ordered directly in the past but, many have been reluctant after learning the shipping cost. She said that many (upon discovering shipping cost), opted to purchase the book in .pdf format bundled together.

Here’s the information that many have been requesting.


The books can still be ordered through here. We need what books,  a full address and phone number and we can calculate the shipping and get it back to you.  
“Paper Notice: Paper pricing and availability are contingent on market conditions at time of order.”

Thank you Keep writing,

Maryellen O’Rourke 

A&A Printing

6103 Johns Road #5

Tampa Florida 33634

813-886-0065 ext. 102

813-884-0304 Fax