“Possessed by Possessions: A Biblical Exploration” – Jordan’s Newsletter

Newsletter/Bible study Possessed by possessions Possessed has many words in Hebrew, they have different meanings but by seeing the Hebrew word and the context we can see what the Word is saying.Yaras and Nahal mean:To occupy, by driving out previous … Continued

“Discover the Priceless Love of Christ: Insights from Jordan Paul Grenon’s Bible Study on Ephesians”

Last night in bed God was reminding me of something I read a while ago. On how infinity cannot be divided. God in 3 parts is still infinitely God each part. That being said Christ dying for us put a … Continued

“Understanding Biblical Strongholds and the Power of Fasting: A Deep Dive into Mind, Body, and Spirit Training PART 2” – Jordan’s Newsletter

Continuing where we left off we began speaking on Fasting and how to train our spirit and will. First a question. How many here like feeling at peace? Do you ever have that annoying guy that as soon as he … Continued

“Understanding Biblical Strongholds and the Power of Fasting: A Deep Dive into Mind, Body, and Spirit Training” – Part 1 – Jordan’s Newsletter

\ Here is a Bible study I felt to write up and share with my study group here. I tried to make it into a newsletter. Enjoy! How to train your mind body and Spirit (one of many with God!) … Continued