A Pilgrim Prisoner’s Journal October 5th, 2024

Hey everyone,

Been on lockdown for a few days.  I want to explain a few things here, so that everyone can get an idea of what a prisoner goes through and how corrupt this system is.  God’s judgement is not like man’s, everyone will be judged individually in His court. Not here though!!!

So on Wednesday our unit was waiting to go to commissary after lunch.  This is after 5 weeks of not selling us any commissary, with all their useless excuses.  So then a fight had broken out in the Unicor area, where the inmates work. Far from us and nothing to do with us.  So we all get locked down because it could have been a “racial” thing.  You see just because 1 or 2 inmates get in a fight they lock us all down and say it is for our safety.  So those who want to live in peace and do good get punished not only because a few idiots fight but because this system is messed up.  So now we hope that next week they will let us go to commissary after 6 weeks.  Why am I bringing commissary up so much?  Well, if you saw what we eat and the amount, it would make you feel sick.  So we get 3 meals a day and the amount a child could eat and still be hungry, so hence the need for commissary.  Breakfast consists of maybe a half a cup of cardboard cereal, I call it that because well it seems like that, a milk or 2 depending.  A lot of the time those milks are spoiled.  Also supposed to have a fruit, we only get half an apple most of the time.  Do you know what a cut apple looks like after sitting for hours?  Yep, browning and beginning to decay.   A piece of cake, with extra flour to thicken it.  So carbs galore and the amount like they give preschoolers or something like that.  Lunch consists of a piece of meat, should be 4 oz., but more like 1-2 oz..  Usually chicken or a so called beef, that says not for human consumption, and o yea, we get a lot of expired foods.  Also maybe a small handful of rice and a veggie.  Maybe another cake, here clog your arteries.  The Dinner, o yea let me use tonight’s example:  Less than a handful of spaguetti and 1 oz. of chicken with a slice of bread.  Now, do you think that is the supposed 2000 calories promised for a man a day?  Not at all, so we with commissary can make it alright.  But when they deprive us of this, we go hungry.  So we drink more water and do what we can.  Eat some, save the bread, eat that later.  Drink more water.   And when we try to bring food back from the chow hall, they take it from us and throw it on the ground and throw it away.  You all out there have no idea what is going on in our prisons, just because we are in the USA don’t mean anything.  People are evil here too.  Did you know on lockdown, they have a policy that they don’t have to let us take showers for up to 3 days.  How many times can they just lock us down and apply that?  Well in the past few months, it has happened almost every week.  Pure evil!!!  

Lets talk about what a Medium prison is.   You have Maximums and USP, penitentiaries.  Then Mediums.  They are not as strict, but still are hard time.  This so called Low II that I am in, is run like a Medium.  Even the Warden has written this in a notice, he mentioned this as a Medium.  On paper it looks good, yea, but the reality is it is run as hard time.  I am a guy who should have been in a camp, but seeing I stood against this evil system, they want to punish me harder.  I aint complaining, just letting you know that this system is evil and does what they want.  Don’t stand against them if you want an easy life.  Jeffrey Epstein went to a camp when he was first caught.  O wow, a rapist goes to a camp.  They seem to protect their own huh?  This will come back on them, the Bible says you will reap what you sow, and they have sown evil thinking that they will get away with it.  Nope, God is watching all people.  And when He moves, don’t come crying to Him, He will not listen… 

There is so much more abuse going on to men in here and all the prisons.  And the ones running it justify it by saying it is their job.  There comes a time in life when you have to choose between right and wrong, over a job, over anything.  

Don’t worry about me people, I know how to live in this.  I feel bad for all those who suffer the wrong doing of this demonic system.  And I have stood for the poor and needy and continue to.  May God bless and guide us all, it is a war my people, a spiritual warfare, get in it!!! 

PS.  Thank you to all who are sending the Bibles, I am giving them away to those who will use them.  Gave a Spanish one away to a brother and tonight will give Eddie an English one to give to someone.  He is helping pass out the English ones and me and others the Spanish ones. 

Praise the LORD Jesus always!!!


A Pilgrim prisoner

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  1. Living_Waters333

    Thank you all for the prayers. I am not saying what is going on to be a complainer, I am being a voice for those in prison here in the USA. So many people suffer, its really sad. And to see how our so called fellow americans, just for the mighty dollar, treats inmates like animals. It makes me sick. DOnt get me wrong, there are some very bad and evil people in prison. But how they treat all and everyone is pretty pathetic, because “it is their job”. Yes, what they have meant is for evil and to destroy me, but God always means it for good if we love Him and are called for His purpose. And that I am…
    I pray for mercy and justice. God knows what belongs to whom. Some justice and some mercy, I cant judge that correctly.

    Thanks for posting these, I will and am trying to get a newsletter to send you but the lockdowns and partial lockdown now is complicating it.
    Thats great that Jordan wants to posting and yes, Eddie will be passing out the English Bibles also. I have a few other guys working on the Spanish Bibles.

    God bless you

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