Hello brothers and sisters, My name is Brother Eddie Battles and I am from Florida (will be residing in the Jacksonville area) am actually from a small town called Jasper. I was introduced to you all by brother Jonathan whom I have become very close to. I am incarcerated in Federal Prison for Hobbs Act Robbery which I committed over 13 years ago, I am 5 months away from being in prison for 13 years all of which I have spent serving the Lord. I have lead worship my entire time while in constantly touching lives of brothers who really never know God nor experienced his presence. I am redeemed by the blood of Jesus and is a firm believer in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, thus I am also in the Ministry of Evangelism. I LOVE seeing brothers and sisters saved which is why I lead praise and worship the way I do. Brother John shared a recent testimony of mine and I thought I would come back and give more back ground on who brother Eddie is for those out there who DON’T believe that God will do as he says, HE WILL AND HE DOES. Growing up, I was a VERY good athlete and I then being 16 years old, am now 36 years old was the drummer in church but had been ordained as a Youth Pastor. I was at a visiting church in St. Petersburg, Florida at age 16 playing drums when the Pastor stopped service and called me to the alter saying, “Youth Pastor Eddie, God told me to tell you that you will serve him for the rest of your life and that he has a specific work for you to do. I was on board when the Pastor was telling me about the work God has in store for me but when the word given turned to also, you are a great athlete (I had MAJOR Division I Scholarship Offers) For those who don’t know what that means it is I had a Paid in full Athletic Scholarship to play Football and get a College Degree) At Universities as such as University of Florida, University of Tennessee, University of Miami, University of Georgia, University of Alabama, and so many more schools however God said I, Eddie would NOT play football but will serve HIM!” At THAT moment, I looked at the Pastor and shook my head NO! IMPOSSIBLE, then the word of the Lord came saying (IF GOD HAS TO HE WILL STOP YOUR LIFE COMPLETELY JUST TO GET YOUR ATTENTION), I at that moment stopped preaching and stopped taking “church” serious and focused on my football career. I ended up NOT going to a major Div. I College and started working at several professional jobs after High School graduation and later ended up in Federal Prison. I got off course however this was all within Gods plans for my life to GET MY ATTENTION and he did. He used MY bad for HIS good and thus I have been serving God to the fullest for the past 13 years almost in Federal Prison where MANY have come to know the Lord and had I NOT obeyed after being caught up in my BIG FISH as I call it (speaking of the story of Jonah), I simply said, God let your will be done in my life! Thank you and Love you all……Brother Eddie. Be blessed and you all are welcome to respond and ask questions, I will gladly reply. I have so many more testimonies to share, I believe that we overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and by the WORD OF OUR TESTIMONY! Thank you
Beautiful testimony to the grace of God and to Christ for deliverance. All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God… no man is good, not one. We await eternity together in our brokenness. Glory be to God. Amen!
Thank you for sharing your blessings.
Thanks so much for your compassion. Your love show in your participation will be like a glass of cold water and a breath of fresh air to Eddie.
I’m sending Eddie your response now. God Bless.
Proverbs 25:25
As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.
To Sister Diane: Here is a response from Eddie
Thank you Sis. Diane and God is good and is steady favoring me. I am blessed beyond measure and am glad my testimony touched you, be blessed Bro. Eddie