This is a must listen to link that was shared by Andrea. I thank God for men and women who are true knowledge searchers. I don’t know how long this type of information will be allowed openly discussed.
This is another great link shared by Andrea – What ever your politics, please take a moment to listen to this Podcast. This Podcast was held by RFK Jr., but is not political. It is important information by Paul Heroux, PhD, Professor of Toxicology and Health Effects of Electromagnetism, McGill University Medicine, Department of Surgery, McGill University Health Center.
13,221 views Jul 26, 2024 #kennedy24#rfkjr#americastrongIn the episode, Paul Heroux and I discuss the potential health effects of radiofrequency radiation from cell phones and Wi-Fi networks, with a focus on the need for new rulemaking by the FCC. We also discuss the safety of radiation, industry manipulation of science, and the potential dangers of emerging technologies like 5G and driverless cars. The conversation highlights the increase in permeability of the blood-brain barrier due to radiation exposure, leading to inflammation and interference with brain function, as well as the link between radiation exposure and various chronic diseases.
Links from Brother Gert –
LIVE WITH JULIE AND BERNADETTE SMITH Thank God for men and women who are led by God to become involved politically. Click Here to listen. Or, copy and paste the following link into your browser window.
Thousands down Hollywood Blvd for Jesus Christ
Thanks for Brother Gert sharing the following link. It’s a death bed confession.
2) who of you has heard about the famous rocket scientist “Wernher von Braun”, who made a confession on his deathbed.
(something about “a last card”)
3) who of you has seen the video about Buzz Aldrin (now probably 85 years old), saying to a little child
“we never went to the moon”.
Isn’t it strange that, when our life on this planet is almost over, we FINALLY found the courage to speak out?
What are we afraid of, while being “here”? (afraid of being attacked? ridiculed? Afraid that we will not be treated rightfully/justly? Why did we do wrong in the first place?)
Why do we find the courage to speak, shortly before passing over? (afraid to accumulate [even more] karma if we remain silent?)
I love to hear your thoughts…
… after watching that interview with Mel-K of course 😉
Have a wonderful day,

Thanks to Andrea for always sharing her cutting edge research finds. Expect to be enlightening with this information.
Part 1/3 – Dr. Bryan Ardis reveals BOMBSHELL origins of covid, mRNA vaccines and treatments
Thanks for this link shared by my good brother Harold. This link explains the benefits of energized products.