“Imagine a World Without Fear: Creating a Future of Abundance, Freedom, and Humanity”

Imagine a world where no one has to worry about rent, groceries, or doctor’s bills. A world where it is not money, but humanity that is central. Where everyone has unconditional access to food, drink, shelter and care. The basis for life. Sounds like impossible. Now suppose ‘this is impossible’ is an imposed limiting belief?

In such a world, one of the greatest motivations that imprisons people disappears: the need to work to (over)live. How many people would quit their jobs if they knew their existence no longer depended on a salary or basic income? (Even with a basic income as a new foundation, power and control only shift from one party to another.) How much toxicity, exploitation and fear would disappear if work was no longer a condition of survival, but a free choice?

Work would turn into an expression of passion and value. The nurse stays because she really cares about people, the artist creates because he has a story to tell, and education becomes an avenue for growth, not a means of production for the labour market. Instead of economic compulsion, creativity, well-being and collaboration would take centre stage.

But such a transformation threatens the foundations of the current system, which runs on fear and scarcity. Fear of losing your job. Fear of unexpected costs. Fear of falling short. This fear makes people obedient and keeps them stuck in a world where profit takes precedence over wellbeing. Shareholders must be kept happy, quarter after quarter.

In this system, nothing is what it seems. Companies do not exist to fulfil needs, but to maximise profits. Healthcare is not a matter of health, but of market share. Housing is expensive, not for lack of resources, but because real estate is an instrument of speculation. Even food and water have become commodities. It is not about ‘what do people need?’, but ‘what does it yield?

If livelihood security became a given, that whole system would be in question. People would no longer be forced to play along in a game that was never designed for them. No unsustainable rents, no squeezed workers, no healthcare policies that mainly benefit insurers.

Freedom would finally become possible. Not just freedom from economic exploitation, but freedom to live without fear. Technological advances and collective effort have long made it feasible to create a world in which no one is in short supply. What is holding us back is not a lack of resources, but a lack of vision.

Not ‘What does it cost?’ but ‘Who needs it? Not ‘Who pays?’ but ‘How do we share it?’ As long as we believe in scarcity and competition, this world will remain a utopia. But once we choose abundance and cooperation, that utopia becomes a reality.

Stay alert, stay critical.


I pray that such a world is on its way.

Or rather: It is us who are going to create this ‘new world’. Will you participate?

Have a wonderful day!


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