Is gratitude your attitude? PART 2 – Bishop Jonathan Grenon

Now let’s learn a bit of something.
The title of this Newsletter is such a simple question, is it not?  But is it easy for you to answer?  Can you admit that you just might not be a grateful person? For change to happen in any area of our lives, we must first recognize where we are in the wrong.  A man or woman that is addicted to drugs must recognize that he or she has a problem before any healing can begin to take place.  So, let’s first find the root of the problem when one is an ungrateful man or woman.  I like to keep things simple, so here is what I believe.  “When one is ungrateful, it is a heart problem and we need some work on our hearts.”

So let’s do a short study on gratitude before we even think about seeing or seeking any change.  We don’t want to only treat the symptoms, as the world does.  We want to be healed completely and fully as only our LORD Jesus Christ can do.  He alone is El Shadday, God Almighty!!!

In the Hebrew language the word Yadah will help us expand a bit more on our English word “Grateful.” Yadah means “to give thanks, laud, praise”
A common Hebrew word in all its periods, this verb is an important word in the language of worship. (Note: It is a verb, so action is involved here). An affirmation or confession of God’s undeserved kindness throws man’s unworthiness into sharp relief. Hence, a confession of sin may be articulated in the same breath as a confession of faith or praise, and thanksgiving.

Now let’s take a quick look in the Greek language.  What words did the Apostle Paul and others use in the New Testament for thanks, thankfulness, thanksgiving?  They are eucharisteo, eucharistia, eucharistos and they all basically mean:  Grateful, gratitude, to express gratitude, give thanks, grateful language (to God, as an act of worship), thankfulness.

Let’s take a look at a few symptoms or outcomes of an ungrateful person and see why they are the way they are.  We are not trying to know these symptoms to try and treat them how we see fit.  But we must go to the Word of God and find the remedies that will heal us completely. (Note: For any of this to work, you must be born again-Saved by Grace.)

1. First, I must reiterate that it is all a matter of attitude.
2. When someone becomes controlling, when an individual thinks he or she is the center of the universe, it’s all downhill from there.  When you think that it’s all about you. You have heart trouble.    It reminds me of a verse that really applies in these situations. John 14:1 says-“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.” Jesus said that!!!  So, if we trust the LORD Jesus Christ then our hearts will not be troubled.  This takes us into our next point.
3. Unbelief leads to ingratitude and much more.  It shows that we have no or very little faith in the LORD Jesus Christ. (I am not talking about just believing in Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior, I am saying trusting in Him with your whole life.)  
4. The universe speaks volumes that there is a Creator.  All of revelation concerning God is designed and determined to bring about a response of gratitude and honor, to cause mankind to bow in reverence and submission and worship and thanksgiving. Instead, because our nature is to suppress the truth, we grumble. Especially when life takes uncertain turns. (Your telling me…I sure know this.)  Paul wrote in Romans 1:21-22-” Because that, when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.  Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,” What an indictment!!!
Giving thanks is the opposite of complaining and murmuring. It is a rational and appropriate response to the revealed truth of God.

I would like to check out a few Biblical passages and add a few commentaries that I found to be interesting and helpful.  There is so much more to this study, but I am going to keep this one short, it’s on you to continue to search the Word of God for answers.  This is just a little kick in the butt, not only to you, but mainly to this man here.  

1.  Colossians 3:15 says-“And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.”
Commentary: The word translated “rule” comes from the language of athletics: Paul tells us to let Christ’s peace be an umpire or referee in our hearts. Our hearts are the center of conflict because there our feelings and desires clash-our fears and hopes, distrust and trust, jealousy and love.  How can we deal with these types of conflicts and live as God wants? Paul explains that we must resolve conflicting issues by using the rule of peace.  Which choice will promote peace in our souls and in the people of God?  
Are you at peace when you are grumbling and murmuring?  Or when you are thankful in all things?  Think about it.  Is gratitude your attitude?  

2.  Philippians 4:6-7 says-“Be careful (Note: careful means anxious here) for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
Commentary: God’s peace is different from the world’s peace (see John 14:27). True peace is not found in positive thinking, in absence of conflict, or in good feelings.  It comes from trusting God to work everything out in a way that is best for you as you fulfill your role in God’s work in the world. Our citizenship in Christ’s Kingdom is sure, our destiny is set, and we can have victory over sin.  Let God’s peace guard your heart against the anxieties of this world that try to bring you down and keep your focus on Jesus.  When we trust God, He gives us a peaceful perspective in any circumstances we will go through in this life.  

3. I Thessalonians 5:18 says-“In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”
Commentary: Paul was not teaching that we should thank God for everything that happens to us but in everything that happens to us.  Evil does not come from God, so we should not thank Him for it.  But when evil strikes, we can still be thankful for God’s presence and for the good that He will accomplish through the distress.

I personally can’t say that I am thankful for the evil that has been done against me and my family.  I see the tears and the hurt in my sons, my wife and her mother’s eyes. Why would I be thankful for that?  I would be lying to myself and most importantly I would be lying to the LORD.  I am to worship Him in spirit and in truth.  But I can be thankful in this situation, He is faithful, great is Thy faithfulness LORD.  You have allowed this and I will trust You throughout it.  I am sorry for my complaints Father; I want You to know that I love You more than anything or anyone.  

I hope you enjoyed this Newsletter.  I am so very grateful first to the LORD Jesus Christ, for all He has and is doing for me and my family.  Also, I would like to thank everyone out there who prays and supports us.  Because of you, most of my family was able to visit me.  I will never be able to express my gratitude to you all.  I am overwhelmed by your love towards us.  Thank you.  May the LORD Jesus Christ bless everyone.  I humbly thank you.   I love you all.  You haven’t given up on me, thank you.  All Praise be to our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ…

Jonathan David
A servant of the LORD

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