Hi everyone. To be honest I haven’t had the energy to write. I am having a hard time right now.
But I did want everyone to know that God is working at all times. Here is what happened today. 12/04/24. I hope it encourages everyone.
For the past week or so, I have been witnessing to someone different almost every day. A one-on-one witnessing. And I have been praying Lord, send more people to me, I am willing to tell everyone you send my way. This prayer is going on while I am being attacked by the devil. But I know what the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 1:18-” For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.” The message of Salvation is the power we need to be moved by. So, I am and have been putting it into practice, and it some very hard times. I’m not kidding, the devil has stepped up his attacks.
So today, a guy I have only talked to a few times and had been noticing more lately. He came up to me today and said I have a question for you. I said go ahead what’s up? He asked, what denomination are you? I said I was raised Baptist, but I consider myself a non-religious type of a guy. I am a son of God. Saved by Grace. And explained to him what Jesus did for us on the cross and how He was raised to give us eternal life. We got talking more and he told me that he was walking by the chapel a few times and felt like something telling him to go in, so he did. When he did the guy that greeted him made him feel welcomed and he felt peace there. So, he was drawn to talk to me, like something pushing him to. I said that I have been praying for God to send me men interested in Him and men I haven’t talked to. And look, your it…
He was like, look, I just got the chills. Man, that was for me he said. Well, I said if you seek and search for God with all your heart you will find Him. So, I let him borrow and read the Jack Chick Magazines, on the Bible and Albert series. He has had questions and I have been answering them. God is working in him, please pray for Quiz.
Also met a new guy in a few days ago. We seem to be on the computers at the same time. He always says, here again I see. I said yep, got people to write, things to say. I call him the guy with the dreads. So, he showed me something that a lady writes to him daily, Bible studies. And he said he was raised Pentecostal. So, we got talking and got into end times stuff and I gave him my testimony and right now 12/06/24 while I am writing this, he sits down and says bro, you got to see what the lady wrote me today, it was exactly what we were discussing. I am going to let him read the Jack Chick Magazines as soon as the other guy finishes with them.
Pray for Quiz and Dreads, I got to get their names, although most don’t want to give it. I want you all to know that I am seen amongst men of all colors, black, brown, white, red, yellow, etc.. And all cultures. And seen among all types of men among all types of crimes. I infiltrate all groups as the servant of our LORD Jesus Christ. God moves me to give things to people, to touch their lives and open a door to witness to them.
God uses me to bring peace to people. His Spirit moves through me with a changing love that unites people who don’t talk to each other. I am a repairer of the breach. What has been broken can be fixed again. Love heals all wounds, God’s Great LOVE!!! But I have noticed the more love I give to others, the harder are the attacks to me and my loved ones. I must surrender daily all my cares, my whole life to the will of God to see the miracles begin to happen. We hold onto the things we love so much. Like a hook stuck in a fish’s mouth, if the line is pulled hard, it will make it more difficult to pull it out. (I know fishermen, if it is a small fish, you can just move the fish). What I am getting at is let the line loose and you can slip the hook out easier. That is what is happening in our lives, what tugs at your heart and mind? Your spouse? Your children? Your job? Money? Well, you get the point. Surrender/loosen the “line” and God will pull out the hook. When we surrender completely, God moves quite quickly. So don’t hold back, surrender all to Jesus Christ. He will move those mountains, He will repair the breeches, He will do what needs to be done. Because He knows best, so get your puny human understanding out of the way and trust Him completely. Surrender to Him.
God bless you and thank you for your prayers, I need them at this time and always.
A Pilgrim prisoners’ journal
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