President Trump’s letter from Bishop Grenon

Here is the letter I wroteThis letter written in late 2023 in jail FDC Miami and put in the hand of President Trump!
(Please share with many and resend to him on my behalf, Bishop Mark S. Grenon)

December 2023
Dear Mr. President,
       I am writing you this letter from the Federal Detention Center in Miami right across from the courthouse you were in last year. My three sons and I have been incarcerated, but we say kidnapped and held as Political Prisoners by the DOJ for over 1500 days without bail, without a victim, without intent to harm any man or woman (Mens Rea) and without a valid claim against us! Our story is although tragic for us and our family is also a miraculous one. There is so much to this story so please bear with me as I give you an overview. America and the world need to hear what has happened to us and what we were doing to receive such a vicious attack. I know you know about being attacked unjustly.

I have written three books titled; “Imagine A World Without DIS-SEASE” by Mark S. Grenon They are being printed here: due to Amazon taking off there sites and told me NEVER to publish with them again!

We have done two Documentaries as well: (2020) –
* On “The Universal Remedy That Drug Companies Hate”. (Republished by G. Edward Griffith there recently because it was taken down in other locations:
* Also, A movie about us and what we were doing worldwide was recently done and here is the trailer:

I have been a missionary preaching the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ with my wife and 8 children in Massachusetts, Nigeria, West Africa, Dominican Republic, Haiti and recently Colombia were one of my sons and I were arrested, (kidnapped). Neither I nor my three sons have any criminal record whatsoever, not even a parking ticket! In 2007, I came across a natural remedy called, “Miracle Mineral Supplement” or MMS (sodium chlorite),one of two components needed to produce “Chlorine Dioxide” which was discovered by Sir Humphrey Davies, a chemist from England in 1814. I used it to cure my myself and all my 8 children of MRSA, a horrible flesh-eating bacteria that has killed and maimed millions around the world. The pharmaceutical/medical industries said, “There is NO known cure”, yet I saw it cure me in two weeks after years of suffering as well as my children with 6 months.

When my 8 children and I contracted MRSA, I had been working with medical teams throughout the Dominican Republic for 10 years and none of the “latest and greatest” pharmaceutical drugs affected it. I started searching the internet to find a “natural non-toxic” cure and found a book written by a man named Jim Humble called, “The Miracle Mineral of the 21st Century”. I purchased the book and bought the two products and it worked like he said it would fast. Jim went to Africa in 2000 after discovering Chlorine Dioxide cured Malaria, the #1 killer in the history of the world, in 1 day for pennies. Malaria kills yearly 1.5-2 million people with half being children under 5! He also wrote about having great success with diabetes, aids, cancers, all infections, intestinal issues, insect bites as well as other illnesses and of course, MRSA. It was like a CUREALL! After having MRSA cured in my body I decided to lay aside all drugs that I was using among the people in the hills of Dominican Republic in our ministries and try exclusively Chlorine Dioxide to see what would happen. It was a private human study not done in a lab setting but in the hills of Dominican Republic with standardized protocols and receiving consistent results! To my very pleasant surprise, I started seeing the illnesses Jim was having success with in Africa happening in the Dominican Republic and Haiti, even other illnesses like Dengue Fever which Jim hadn’t dealt with in Africa.

I excitedly started corresponding with Jim for the next two years sharing our successes against all types of illnesses. By February of 2010, Jim moved to the D.R.! Our plan was to develop protocols of how to use Chlorine Dioxide and teach them to the world by seminars and online courses so people could practice SELFCARE and take control of their health themselves without toxic drugs. We worked day and night developing a syllabus to teach and invited people from around the world from Jim’s mailing list from the sales of his book. We wanted to start an organization that ANYONE could be a part of and learn the protocols. We decided to start a “Health Church” and we called it, “The Genesis II Church of Health and Healing”. Everyone was welcome no matter what their spiritual belief because this was about health and not doctrine! We also knew that in most countries we were separate from the Government and had Rights that they could NOT infringe upon like freedom of religion and the practice of one’s beliefs. We didn’t need ANY Government’s permission as long as no man or woman was harmed. We had many clinical studies as well as what we were seeing ourselves confirming that Chlorine Dioxide was “safe and effective” in mice, rats and humans in much higher quantities than what we were using in our protocols. Chlorine Dioxide has been used for many years worldwide in water purification, cleaning of hospitals and gymnasiums, the washing of fruits and vegetables, meat packing plants while packaging and didn’t have to be washed off because it is non-toxic and turns to sodium i.e. “salt”. It was also used to kill anthrax and black mold after the Karina Hurricane. There are 1,000’s patents worldwide for many uses and many were for medical applications. NASA called it, “a universal antidote” hence; the name of the documentary I listed above. It has all the evidence needed to vindicate my sons and me 100%! In fact, the country of Bolivia made it a LAW to use Chlorine Dioxide to treat Covid and passed it out door to door. I met men in jail with me that received it in Bolivia. At this time, there are over 7,000 doctors in 30+ countries using Chlorine Dioxide to treat Covid and MANY OTHER ILLNESSES, Praise God! The movement has grown to millions worldwide while we are in jail! You see “they”, the evil players in this world, are trying to silence us but God wants men and woman to be free physically and spiritually!

In April of 2010, we had our 1st seminar of the G2Church 35 people from 15 countries showed up for the 10 day seminar in the mountains of the Dom.Rep. All had testimonies of “health restored” from an illness they had or family and friends. Many had multiple testimonies to share with us! All this from a book teaching how to make Chlorine Dioxide in the home or purchase online somewhere in the world. Our 2nd seminar we had 45 people from 20 countries! In 2 1/2 years we did 19 seminars in the D.R. and had 60 countries represented with people trained as “Health Ministers”. At the time of our arrest (kidnapping) in August of 2020, we had 3500+ Members with 2008 health ministers in 135 countries! You see why “they” are trying to SILENCE us? We helped Jim write two more books about Chlorine Dioxide and perfected the protocols even more. I wrote three books of the activities of the Genesis II Church around the world as well as the persecutions we were experiencing. We did 63 G2Church Health Seminars in 19 countries from 2010-2020. Most of them my sons and I did because Jim was now in his 80’s. Jim passed away last September 2023. What a Great humanitarian he was! We really enjoyed the times we had with him and he loved to hear the testimonies.

Our Church believes that ALL men have the God-Given right to choose what goes into their body without any inference from any man or Government. Also, we have a Biblical mandate from God in the Scriptures to “not defile our bodies but keep them clean” in I Corinthians 3:16-17. Our Mission Statement states First, “to love the Lord God with all our heart,  Trump Dec. 2023

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