Repent of your evil ways and let My people go!!! PART 1
I was going to write a Newsletter and update on my visit with mom, but will have to get to that at a later time. I usually write about what I am living. Like the struggles, trials, blessings and more, but with the emotions that I am going through. That way everyone can see the “real me”, not a faker who says what people would like to hear, but one who will be truthful about how he feels, even if it is wrong. It shows that I am a man who doesn’t hide from his failures, but faces them and asks God to purify and cleanse me. Wash me LORD, change my heart to be like You LORD…
I have been very angry lately; I have to admit this. But it led me to write this following Newsletter. Think of it as a fighter on the front lines, but in a spiritual battle. Yelling out to those who want to stay behind because they are scared or too comfortable to want to join. Who wants a comfortable life to be disrupted? I sure don’t. But it happens and will… But will it be for serving the LORD, or doing wrong? Not that God can’t change our wrong doing for the good. Of course He can. But we must repent. If you want mercy, you must repent. And I am not only saying this to those who are not believers, I am speaking to you also, my fellow believer. To a son or daughter of God.
I can understand that many believers are excited right now. How that Mr… Trump has become the President yet again. I will agree with you and I do believe that God is giving the USA a chance to repent of our evil ways. That doesn’t mean we only fix the economy, boarder crisis, the fight for the innocent lives, and so much more that I can mention. It also means we need to repent and get rid of the evil. We must remove the leaven, we must remove the rotten apples. Not only in our personal lives, but also in the whole system. It is broken and needs to be changed. Or else we will continue down a broken road and just continue searching for prosperity and remain the same selfish nation and people we have been for so long. Soon enough we won’t even be mentioning God (if we continue down this broken and evil road that is). Remember after 9/11? How everyone wanted to come together in unity? Well, that faded away and look at what has happened in the USA since then? I don’t care to go into it, but the violence has increased so very much and homosexuality not only skyrocketed, but was and is accepted. Even to the point of desecrating the marriage covenant of God. What only is meant for man and woman. I could go on and on, but you get my point. We get comfortable with our bread and circus, food and games/entertainment and then we say” Well, God thanks for this and that, but let me live in my sin”. What happened to living righteously and doing justice? I am going to go into more in a minute. But I am warning you, as Jeremiah warned the people of Israel. Repent of your evil ways and live according to the commandments of God. You can only do this by being saved by the blood of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ and by being led by the Holy Spirit. You will not accomplish this on your own, ever!!! I believe this Newsletter is written in anger, of course it should be righteous anger, but forgive me if I seem to step out of line. I mean well, and I mean to wake everyone up. Because judgment is coming to the world, I just hope and pray that you are the saved remnant of the LORD. We don’t seek to be comfortable; we seek to serve our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ. So here it goes…
I agree that there is very many dangerous people in this world that should be punished. I see them every day, and you do too, but they might not be who you think they are. Do you know how evil and dangerous many politicians, actors, judges, prosecutors, agents of the so many evil agencies and so on are? Maybe if punished it will help them reflect on what they have done and that could lead them to repentance. Now, do I think that the prison system of this world is the correct manner of handing out this punishment? Not entirely. Why you may ask? Because the objective of this prison system is not to rehabilitate or help a prisoner learn from his or her mistakes. This prison system is about the money, it is a corporate system all about making money. And if the money is the major factor, then it is a way of modern day slavery. Remember in the Bible where it says”-For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” Do you serve the “mighty dollar”? Have you erred from the faith? Because somewhere else it says-” the just shall live by his faith.”
So why the title: “Repent of your evil ways and let My people go?” We all should know of the Exodus story. Where God through His servant Moses brought His people out of slavery from Egypt. So why do people continue to enslave others when in their own history they ran from it and fought for their liberty and the liberty of others? Hegel was right when he said the main thing we learn from history is that we do not learn from history.
These evil lovers of money in the US and worldwide for that matter don’t think that the abuse that they have dished out to so many people and their families will ever be found out. But the Bible says, In I Peter 3:12-“For the eyes of the LORD are over the righteous, and His ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the LORD is against them that do evil.”
Who are the righteous spoken of in this passage? Keep reading the remainder of the chapter. It’s those that suffer for righteousness’s sake!!! So, God is saying to all people to repent and let His people go because judgment is right around the corner. Not only to let His people go from prisons, but from many ways of oppression in general.
Now what I am going to go into is going to be heavy and weighty for some, but be mature and bear with me. Are you suffering for righteousness’s sake or for well doing? Or are you one of those “Christians” that tries to justify only going to church and even telling others of Jesus? (Which many don’t even do ever anyways, so they don’t “offend”) Yes, I know the most important thing is to lead others to our LORD Jesus Christ for salvation. So, don’t get me wrong here, but are you willing to suffer and continue to suffer to live like Christ, while telling others of Him? It’s easy sometimes to tell people of Jesus, but are you going to live your salvation out? Are you going to stand against evil for the truth? Are you going to stand for the poor, needy, sick, weak, abused or anyone for that matter? Or are you only going to say:” Hey, Jesus loves you and leave it at that? I have come to believe it’s not so much that you just believe in God, but it is how hard or how much you believe in Him. (James 2:19 says-“Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.”)
Are you going to stand and show that you trust the LORD Jesus by giving the hungry that piece of bread, the thirsty a cup of water, help the sick, visit the prisoners, stand against evil and oppressive governments and entities for those who can’t stand for themselves? Are you going to do what is right no matter the cost, or are you going to bow down to these corrupt so called “laws” and evil people? Our LORD Jesus didn’t only make the Way for us to be saved through His precious blood. He also showed us how we should live. And by living that selfless life, people will be drawn to salvation. Romans 2:4 says in part-” not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?” Did you know that?
I do pray that the LORD doesn’t allow Jordan and I in a situation where we would succumb and obey these evil laws and evil ways. When you are weak and tired, sometimes you just don’t want to keep fighting. So far, the LORD has kept us from ever agreeing with these evil people and taking a plea deal. To Him I thank for that. But why do we appeal in an evil and corrupt system, expecting nothing but more lies and abuse from them? It is because we are saying in any way we can “that we never did anything wrong and what was done against us was not only unlawful and wrong, but a total violation of our God given rights.” In this evil system we are not even able to have all the wrong things done to us added to the appeals brief. I want everyone to know that these people wanted us to stop doing the commandment of our LORD Jesus Christ. But we didn’t!!!
We did what we did for Him and our fellow man. We went on to do the work of righteousness. Jesus Himself pointed out the evil going on and exposed it to the people. He called the priests, Pharisees, scribes, lawyers, and others; vipers, serpents, hypocrites, supporters of murderers, fools and more.
This is what Jordan and I did when we were locked up in the very beginning. No wonder we got the extra abuse. We exposed them for what their evil system is and on top of that we never backed down, but stood bold in the truth. They, just like the Pharisees and scribes/lawyers, couldn’t handle the truth. And to see some “nobodies” stand and not play their evil game, just about drove them mad. That evil within them couldn’t handle it. They knew that these guys got to go. So, they did and continue to do what all they can to make us suffer very much. But know this, they have gone against the sons of God and He will avenge us. Now I would like to talk a bit about the prophet Jeremiah, I can see similar things happening in my own journey. Nothing in comparison of course. But a small pattern of things. Also, I have had moments where my attitude is similar, depending on what I am going through at the time. I will be taking bits and pieces from a recent book I read called “Decoding the Prophet Jeremiah”. Written by Mark Biltz. I will be putting in my input also. So don’t think that I come up with this stuff myself. I am led by the Holy Spirit and helped by so many other brothers and sisters by reading their books, letters, talking, writings and more. I think the following will help us all very much.
Jeremiah was an incredible man because the tears he shed were not so much for himself but for God and God’s people, in spite of how they treated him. These tears were not ones of self-pity, even though he had every right to feel that way. (I ask the LORD to help me with this, because maybe I don’t cry much anymore of self-pity, but of anger, which is hard in its own way.)
How well do you think Jeremiah got along with the politicians? Well, in Chapter 38 of the book of Jeremiah the princes told the king to kill him. I guess not so well, huh? Why? Well, Jeremiah was commanded by the LORD to tell all people of Judah and in Jerusalem that those that didn’t obey the word of the LORD, they would be cursed. Who wants to hear that? But they not only refused God’s message, they didn’t even pay attention to Him and everyone continued to walk after their own evil hearts. So, what do the people do? They want to kill the messenger. Jeremiah ends up suffering very much for bringing the message of God to the leaders. After sometime Jeremiah told God,” Go get ’em for me!” God assured him that He would. Jeremiah also told God that he had enough! Slaughter them! The land was suffering and the animals were dying, all because they believed God wasn’t watching their wickedness. I have to admit that I have said and thought similar things at times, I can relate in part with Jeremiah here.
But what does God say to him? He tells Jeremiah to man up, saying that if he was already worn out by running with the footmen, what would he do when he had to run against the horses? Then Jeremiah finds out that so many close people, family to be exact are against him. Us prisoners do see this very often. The people you think are close to you and support you will stab you in the back. Not all of course. You see, so very little people are valiant for the truth anymore. Not many will stand for the truth if it will cost them. That is why I am grateful to all the people that remain and continue to support us and also all of those who have and continue to join in supporting us in this very difficult battle for the truth.
To get an even clearer idea of what times were like during Jeremiah’s life, it is beneficial to check out what other prophets were saying to that generation. Let’s look at the burden of Habakkuk. He had a big, driving question for God that he wanted answered. He implored God to tell him why He was not listening to him! He cried out about the violence going on. He saw plundering, strife and contention, and he concluded that the Law was powerless and justice never goes forth. The wicked were surrounding the righteous so that perverse judgment proceeded. Does this sound like our day or what?
God bless you
Jonathan David
A servant of the LORD
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