Continuing where we left off we began speaking on Fasting and how to train our spirit and will.
First a question.
How many here like feeling at peace? Do you ever have that annoying guy that as soon as he leaves the room everything is quiet?
How many here like to feel shame or exhausted or guilt?
So, if we know how those things feel why do we choose to do them? Paul says “I do what I don’t want to do”. It is not just doing sin but the effects of sin. Why do I do shameful things when I do not like to feel shame?
Why do I not cleanse the spirit and subject the flesh when I know it gives me peace and wellness. Reread Romans 7:19 and tell me if you see it in a different light.
We are not this flesh. We are the spirit. Why do we let the flesh control us? We must practice denying the flesh and not giving into every thought and impulse as if it came from our minds and spirit. The devil can throw thoughts and ideas at us that we think come from ourselves.
Fasting should come from a desire to be better, do not feel you have to fast as religious people do, you are not under obligation but it is a gift, a privilege to be free from the control of the flesh.
Here are some verses in the New Testament on fasting then I will give some tips that i found work for me.
Matthew 6:16 Fast to show God not man, Make God your treasure.
Matthew 9:14-15 they weren’t fasting to God. If they were their hearts would have known Christ!
Mark 2:18-20 same as above, they would also fast when Christ left.
Luke 5:33-35 is also the same when the Pharisees questions Christ and His disciples.
Luke 18:10-14 is a great comparison of the hearts of man. Read it when you can. but specifically in verse 12 the “righteous man” is humbly bragging he fasts twice a week.
It is interesting that the gospel of John never mentions fast, fasted, or fasting. Why do you think that is? Something to think on.
Now some verses from the Old Testament.
Judges 20:26 Sat before God and fasted
1st Samuel 7:6 brought water before the Lord and fasted
1st Samuel 31:13 fasted as funeral for Saul and Jonathan
2nd Samuel 1:12 continued fasting for funeral
2nd Samuel 12:16-22 David finishing his fast when the baby died
1st Kings 21:27 evil king Ahab fasted to repent
Nehemiah 1:4 heard news of broken wall in Jerusalem and fasted for answers
Zechariah 7:5-6 did they fast to God? or for themselves?
you see all these examples of different times and reasons people fasted in the Bible. What is the right way?
Let’s continue seeing examples.
One that I didn’t consider so much before but in Matthew 4:2 Jesus was led to the wilderness to fast then was tempted by the devil. We know God led him but seeing it in a new light, He fasted to prepare for the temptation. He wasn’t worse off when He was hunger and the devil told Him to make bread, he was stronger spiritually because He was fasting!
Acts 13:2-3 seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit they fasted and prayed.
Nehemiah 9:1 A fast holiday to God
Esther 4:3 fasting weeping and mourning, they were scared
Psalms 35:13 Fasting for others
69:10 fasting when everything is again me
109:24 fasting to point of sickness asking God to deliver him
Jeremiah 36:6 reading from Gods work in fasting
Daniel 6:18 example of an ungodly king fasted for Daniel
Joel 2:12 turn to God with fasting, weeping and mourning.
Matthew 15:32 God not sending people away fasting. Going hungry to faint.
Matthew 17:21 only prayer and fasting will cast out that demon (in your life!)
mark 8:3 and 9:29 are the same as Matthew’s account.
Acts 10:30 a gentile fasting and God sends an angel
acts 14:23 fasting and praying to commend people to God
acts 27:33 fasted for 14 days. there is a time to end it.
1st Corinthians 7:5 only with consent, husbands and wives fast and prayer while abstaining from intimacy
Esther 9:31 a new feast because Esther and Mordecai praying and fasting
Luke 2:37 Elizabeth always served God, prayer and fastings
2nd Corinthians 6:5 approve ourselves in all things, including fastings.
2nd Corinthians 11:27 many things Paul suffered and fastings.
Fasting takes practice. Anyone can do it but if you start with 3 days fasting you won’t feel good and won’t want to do it again.
Who runs a marathon without training? Start slow, try eating an hour later than normal. When you feel your flesh fighting your will you know you are doing it right!
Don’t feel bad if other can do longer fasts. Jesus said “Don’t worry about the Pharisees they fast for men to see, you fast unto God”
Slowly lengthen the time you don’t eat.
Now here is where strong holds come in, everyone here has things they do everyday and if they miss it they have a bad day. I see everyone here thinking. Everyone thinks “mine isn’t bad”
It is still a strong hold other than God.
It sounds silly but your flesh has that much control. Now the most widely used strong hold in jail, Anyone want to guess?
Coffee, haha
There is an addiction worldwide where people say “don’t talk to me until i have my coffee” it is even a possession saying “MINE!”
If someone suggests not having coffee for a day we think “how will i get by?”
This applies with everything we make a need, a habit, a dependence. Who here needs a sweet after a meal?
I know I enjoy it.
but who needs it, your mind or body?
My experience fasting from 7pm to 12pm the next day for 21 days. Of course it is hard the first day, not sure what to do, often cooking keeps us busy especially locked in a room like in the Miami jail. But the benefits i could see were that I came off dependance, i had coffee not to wake up but because i enjoyed it after 12pm. somedays i didn’t feel like having it so I didn’t that day. It encouraged my will power but seeing when I said I would do something and I stuck to it. The body’s temptations were weakened, it was easier to say no after the first few days. There are many more benefits but think about whatever you are struggling with and it can help with that sin or temptation.
What was Jesus dependent on?
Luke 6:12 Jesus goes into the mountain to pray all night
9:28 Jesus went to the mountain to pray
22:40 Jesus told His disciples to pray unless you are lead into temptation
John 17 Jesus’ prayer for us!
When in fasting and feel the hunger and pain, my mom taught me to pray through it. Eventually it subsides.
There are many benefits to fasting. Bodily: regulates digestion. Restarts and resets the stomach and intestines, shrinks stomach. Removes extra fat from the body.
Mentally: Release from addictions, different mindset, clearer thoughts.
Spiritually: Sin is weakened, our desires are quieted, we cling closer to God.
So we know it is good to fast but there is a “why” as well.
Bringing up the most well-known bible chapter on the subject we should read Isaiah 58
It is only 14 verses but that is a lot to read and write, please look into the chapter yourselves but here are some highlights.
verse 3 asks why do we fast? it also says you find pleasure in the fast.
verse 4 Isaiah questions the people on why they fast, he says they do it to argue. They also do it so they can get God’s attention. He says that the fasts will not be like this anymore.
verse 5 he asks them if just afflicting yourself is the point of a fast
verse 6 says it is to loose the bands of wickedness and unburden us. It is a gift for us!
verse 7 says it is to help those in need, when we don’t eat we can give that food away. as well as see peoples needs better, it is a gift for us to share!
verse 8 says many benefits, our light will shine, our health will come back quick our “righteousness” will go forth and our reward will be Gods glory!
Oh how we live to glorify the Lord!
Verse 9-10 says that God will listen to our cry, if we remove the negative things (pointing finger, speaking vanity and more) and also help those in need (the afflicted and hungry) then our light will shine!
verse 11 sounds like the end of the fast because God will make our bones fat and we will be like a watered garden. Now God is saying these are the blessings but there is a time for fasts to end.
the chapter goes on to say that anyone that comes against you will fail and you will be Gods delight. He is speaking about Israel His people but we can take those promises as well, we just need to fulfill our part of it!
I don’t know why God wanted me to make a study on fasting but seeing how important it has been in my suffering and jailtime experiences I pray that someone who is reading this gets something out of it. God bless you all
Thank you for all your help and support. Keep praying for us for Gods will to be done, I try to live day but day and I am grateful for all God has done and does in our lives. We are exactly where God wants us to be! Let’s see what is next!
A Servant of the Lord
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