“Fasting and Faith: Embracing God’s Mastery Over the Flesh – Insights from Jordan’s Journal”

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The other day we finished the study on fasting. alot of people had an opinion and some people have never fasted so it was a great chance to talk and see new perspectives. Something that stood out was like the prayer of salvation there is no “right” way to pray as long as it is genuine to the Lord.

While thinking of fasting I also stumbled onto this thought, im sure others have thought of it before but I wanted to share.

When we indulge the flesh, it always ends badly, the flesh is never satisfied so if we eat too much or enjoy anything too much, we get sick. Physically, mentally, spiritually we become very sick.

But when we subject the body and tell it what it can and cannot do it is always for the best. It never feels best because the flesh is telling you it doesn’t feel good but it always produces what is best. We enjoy Gods creation the way He told us to, subdue the earth, subject the flesh and let God be the master of your life.

God bless


a servant of the Lord

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